
Navigating Constant VPN Use: Is It Necessary?

As online security threats escalate, VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) have become a go-to solution for many internet users. But for those who aren’t tech experts, using a VPN can raise a lot of questions, including whether it should be on all the time. Let’s delve into this and offer some clarity.

Understanding VPNs

A VPN is a tool designed to significantly boost your online security. Normally, your online activities can be tracked through your unique IP address, which acts like a digital footprint. This makes you vulnerable to cyber threats, with risks ranging from simple privacy breaches to more serious ones like financial data theft.

Here’s how a VPN protects you:

  • IP Address Masking: A VPN gives you a different IP address, masking your true one. This makes it harder for anyone to track your online activities.
  • Encryption: It encrypts your internet connection, turning your data into a code that’s almost impossible to crack. So, even if someone could see your data, deciphering it would be a herculean task.

Now, the big question: should your VPN be on all the time? Let’s explore.

Optimal Times for Constant VPN Usage

Deciding whether to keep your VPN active can depend on various circumstances. Understanding when it’s essential to have your VPN always on can enhance your online security significantly. Let’s look at some critical scenarios:

1. When Connecting to Public Wi-Fi Networks

  • High-Risk Zones: Public Wi-Fi networks, like those in cafes, airports, or hotels, are hotspots for cybercriminals. These networks often lack strong security measures, making it easy for hackers to access your data.
  • VPN as a Shield: A VPN encrypts your connection on these networks, rendering your data inaccessible to potential snoopers. So, whenever you’re on public Wi-Fi, it’s wise to keep your VPN turned on.

2. In Regions with Internet Censorship

  • Facing Restrictions: In countries with strict internet censorship, browsing without a VPN can expose you to various risks, including legal consequences or surveillance.
  • Essential for Sensitive Jobs: For those in high-risk professions, like investigative journalism, where online anonymity and access to unrestricted information are crucial, keeping a VPN on at all times is a necessity.

3. During Frequent Financial Transactions

  • Protecting Sensitive Data: If you regularly engage in online banking or financial transactions, keeping your VPN on is essential. While hackers can see your encrypted traffic, they won’t be able to decrypt and misuse your financial information.
  • Enhanced Security: The encryption provided by a VPN is crucial in safeguarding your sensitive data against potential cyber threats.

4. Overcoming Firewalls and Geo-Restrictions

  • Bypassing Institutional Firewalls: In environments like schools or workplaces where firewalls restrict internet access, a VPN can provide a way around these limitations. For continuous access in such settings, keeping your VPN active is necessary.
  • Accessing Geo-Blocked Content: Streaming platforms and other websites often use geo-blocking to limit access based on location. To consistently access such content, your VPN should always be on, providing you with an IP address from a region where the content is available.

5. Avoiding ISP Throttling

  • Preventing Speed Throttling: ISPs may slow down your internet connection when they detect heavy data usage activities like streaming or gaming. A VPN hides your online activities, making it difficult for ISPs to impose such restrictions.
  • Consistent Speeds for Streaming and Gaming: For those who stream content or play online games regularly, a VPN can ensure a smoother experience by preventing bandwidth throttling.

Situations Where Keeping a VPN Always On Isn’t Ideal

While VPNs offer numerous benefits, there are instances where having your VPN constantly active may not be the best choice. Here are a couple of scenarios where you might consider turning it off:

When Speed Is a Priority

  • Potential Speed Reduction: VPNs can sometimes slow down your internet connection due to the extra distance data travels and the encryption process. If you’re involved in activities where every millisecond counts, like certain online gaming or live streaming, the slight delay caused by a VPN might be a disadvantage.
  • Balancing Speed and Security: In such cases, you’ll need to weigh the importance of speed against the security and privacy benefits of the VPN.

Lack of Local Server Availability

  • Accessing Local Content: If your VPN provider doesn’t have servers in your physical location, you might face challenges accessing content or services that are region-specific to your actual location.
  • Switching Between VPN and Regular Internet: To access local content or services, you might need to frequently switch off your VPN to use your regular internet connection.

Advantages of Keeping Your VPN Active Continuously

Keeping your VPN on at all times comes with distinct benefits that enhance your overall online experience. Here’s a look at the key advantages:

1. Uninterrupted Security

  • Constant Protection: The primary purpose of a VPN is to bolster your online security. With most VPN providers packing their services with robust security features, keeping your VPN always on means you’re protected continuously. This constant shield spares you the worry of accidentally navigating risky websites without protection.
  • Peace of Mind: The assurance of ongoing security with an active VPN means less stress about flipping settings on and off, giving you a more relaxed online experience.

2. Consistent Internet Speed

  • Avoid ISP Throttling: If your ISP tends to throttle your internet speed, especially during high-bandwidth activities like streaming or gaming, a VPN can help maintain steady speeds by hiding the nature of your internet traffic.
  • Smooth Browsing and Streaming: With a VPN, the frustration of dealing with fluctuating internet speeds is significantly reduced, leading to a smoother, more consistent online experience.

3. Seamless Access to Restricted Content

  • Bypassing Censorship and Blocks: In regions where certain websites or services are blocked, a constantly active VPN ensures uninterrupted access. For example, if social media platforms like Twitter are inaccessible in your region, a VPN can provide seamless access by connecting you to a server where these services are available.
  • Hassle-Free Experience: With your VPN always on and set to an appropriate server, restrictions like regional blocks become almost non-existent, allowing for a more open and free internet experience.

Potential Drawbacks of Constant VPN Usage

While a VPN offers numerous benefits when kept on, there are also some downsides to consider. Understanding these can help you make a more informed decision about your VPN usage.

1. Increased Battery Consumption

  • Drain on Device Battery: Constantly running a VPN can be demanding on your device’s battery life. This is particularly noticeable in older devices or those with already compromised battery performance.
  • Power Accessibility Considerations: If you’re often in situations where charging your device isn’t convenient, keeping your VPN active at all times might not be the best option.

2. Possible Speed Reduction

  • Potential for Lags: VPNs work by rerouting your internet traffic through their servers, which can add extra steps in the data transmission process. This might result in a slight reduction in internet speed.
  • Negligible in Most Cases: For many users, the speed reduction is barely noticeable. However, for activities where every millisecond counts (like competitive online gaming or high-definition streaming), even a small lag can impact the experience.

Recommended VPN Service: NordVPN

If you’re in the market for a VPN and uncertain about which one to choose, here’s a solid recommendation:


NordVPN stands out as a reliable and well-established VPN service, boasting a strong reputation in the industry. It’s a top choice for various online activities, from browsing and streaming to gaming and torrenting.

Key Features of NordVPN:

  • Extensive Server Network: With over 5000 servers in 59 countries, NordVPN provides numerous options for bypassing geo-restrictions. This makes it ideal for accessing platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, BBC iPlayer, and more.

  • Robust Security: NordVPN employs military-grade AES 256-bit encryption to ensure your online activities are secure and private. Additional security features include dedicated IP addresses, Tor over VPN support, a reliable kill switch, and various secure protocols.

  • Privacy-Focused: Being based in Panama is advantageous for privacy, as the country doesn’t have mandatory data retention laws. NordVPN’s no-log policy has been independently audited and verified, adding an extra layer of trust.

  • Affordable Plans: NordVPN offers competitive pricing options, making it accessible for a wide range of users.

  • Multi-Device Support: With apps for major operating systems including macOS, iOS, Linux, Windows, and Android, and the ability to connect up to 6 devices simultaneously, NordVPN is versatile and user-friendly.

  • Pros: Diverse pricing plans, reliable Netflix support, top-tier encryption.

  • Lowest Price: Available at $2.99, making it an affordable option for most users.

Final Thoughts

Utilizing a VPN can significantly enhance your online security and privacy. The decision to keep your VPN always on depends on your specific needs and preferences. This review has outlined the advantages and disadvantages of continuous VPN use, as well as scenarios where each approach is beneficial. NordVPN, with its robust features, security, and affordability, is an excellent choice for those seeking a reliable VPN solution. Consider your online habits and requirements to make the best choice for your VPN usage.